24 May 2009

last at SMR

salam..yuhuu...muchi buchi~

uwaaa!!!windu eee...SMR..SMR!! *sob sob!*my last TP on 16th May, 2009 (Sat)..d day my sis's birthday..gonaa mish u all teachers and students..dun forget abt me yeaa..hmm..this is the only memory dat i haf with u people..nda laa tau bila lagi tani kan bjumpa..jumpa pun tagur2 ee..nda tah kira tu either long distance or short..n f u people ada annual dinner or something..dun forget to invite us yeaa..ehehe..anyway those are our pics during our farewell...u may copy from ere..thanx yeaa y'all..mwahz!!

~from left -cikgu Hida, cikgu Hawati *f m not mistaken..hehe..sorry cikgu*, cikgu Susanty, cikgu Indra *fyi f u people want to order cake..u may order it from her..maju bisnis..hehe*, emma (me), sis Haya, cikgu Jeedah, cikgu Tini...1st row- cikgu Dk Tini,.. cikgu..err..nt sure her name..*sorry* and cikgu Erni ..anyway..i tagged u people through fb tue~

~cikgu Erni and me~

~cikgu..err...dunno her name *sorry*, sis Haya, yuniza & sis Jubai~

~cikgu Sally..eseehh..anggun ee..kata cikgu Saiful ..mcm orang kaja dKastam dh ne..hehe..windu ku kan kita menyanyi aa..masih menyanyi ka?..baa teruskan lagi..mana tau kna jemput pat org kawin ka apa..famous jwa..mun ada profit..jgn lupa aa..20%..hehe~

~me and dyana..*sowy lampau ampir baa..cnatah jwa..gambar sendiri2 ne baa..kweng3 p jgn silap masih melecun..apadeehhh~

~cikgu Jeedah dengan pinggannya plus cikgu Tini...mun boleh ia ketawa masa ne..control cikgu Tini..krg kena tagur oleh cdia..ehehe..sapa tu aa~

~bro Zamin and cikgu Saiful -mereka ini manager perkhidmatan bouncer..jika sesiapa mau mengorder bouncer..sila contact mereka melalui saya..hehe*kata cikgu Saiful plg tu kaja bouncer aa..hehe..jangan mare~

~4E students..dengan aksi mereka~

~awg dhiyaulhaq aka taufiq..*antah lurus ka jwa ejaannya tu*~

~bertuah2 durg ne..mun bab pasal gambar ukan men baa~


~m not sure wat kind of game is dat*yang ada datas meja tu*~


~1st row- sis Jubay, Maulidatul, Irda, Deezah, sis Jah Haya and 2nd row -yuniza, othmaliana and me~

~Zulfadli, bro Zamin, Yuniza and me~
**Thanx for everything yeaa..honestly..i haf lots of thing that i learn from u people..I learned from a small tiny thing till I can make myself understand and discover how to get the best one and no matter how hard u give me knowledge even it looks simple apparently it's not but still u manage to do so and I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity an obligation; every possession, a duty..and good luck to u all..do something that comes from ur heart..cheerss..**

lots of luff,


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