hey hey people..i just wanna share my GREAT GREAT news! i just got my 1st babyfruit!! hehe thanks sis mawar!! hehe..well actually today is her birthday for one month..i mean d baby..happy birthday aleesya sofea..aaannndd yesterday was my sister n her hubby 1st wedding anniversary!! congratulation sis n braah in law!! wat a suweeettt great moment in march!!..n yeaa..sebenarnya i really misss my nieceeeee now!!! yatah i upload her pics ganya nda lagi sampat editing but u still verry da cuteee aleesyaa!! mwaahss!! now u can see my 1st niece sleeping n her 1st time to open her eyes watching up how world looks like *padahal nampak ceiling jwa sja and probably her cute angah..ehem..eheemm..me laa tu..lols*
-Her birthday on 24.03.2010. weight: 3.22kg. Name: Aleesya Sofea bin Sofian- -she opened her eyes for the first time..awww...cutteee!!-
-Angah emma *me* cuba menidurkan aleesya..prikktisss...lols!*- -alalalaa~~syg aleesya tdo keh...sshhhhh- -she loves to sleep with her head in that way--ssooooo cuuutteeeee!!!c xoxox- -aleesya always hiccup when she wants to 'uuk uuk'..yatah my mum kasi daiun sirih simpan on her forehead...n actually it shud be turn upside down..hehe-
lots of luff from ur auntie emma..