Happy Birthday to mumeh!!
well..actually my mom dun haf date of birth even in her iC except her year saja ada...you noe laa kan orang-orang dulu ne nda belurih this kind of stuff like bidan di rumah and eveytyn..yatah cematu jadinya..and my siblings decide to choose a special day for her every end of the year kira kata org fully age for 1 year..u noe i mean ryt...apa-apa pun..we're having the celebration at Rang Mahal restaurant..and the foods all about indian style..nyummy2 meh..ehe...lyk naan, chicken samosa, brinjal spicy, dal, raita, papad and etc..u try out laa sja nanti yek..
~flower gift~
~birthday cake..from my siblings~
~alaa..me nda masuk dlm pic meh..me mengambar aaa and my lil sis nuyul plus my sis's fiance nda termasuk dalam pic..sowyy...look at the back..the restaurant pun mcm indian style dah plus the music too..wawawa...suppoz jamilah jamidong baa neh..wawawaa.. but well dat tym my bro start doa selamat and kesyukuran first den kami beramai said SUPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAMA~ehehe like my mum dat tym malu2 meow..ekeke funny and happening laa jwa..ekeke~
~and me jgn jua ketinggalan..sampat lagi bergambar with flower..kuikuikui..how shuweettt!! yeppie!!~**PENUHI HARI ANDA DENGAN SENYUMAN AND KECERIAAN..CHERRZZZ!!**