20 February 2009


salam people..muchi buchi~
sowy2 lengs..aher ku post aa..reunion last sat tau2 dis sat baru mempost..ehehe but sukay laa aa..i still post jwa n still u all in dat pics..kweng3..tapi kan blur plg pics ane aa..sowy yek..later tah tani bwabzly bergambar aa..and ane baru jwa suku of our old kelas..suku o kurengg dr atu lagi..lama baa durg di overseas aa...cant wait laa people..jgn lama2 baa..krg jeles kamu kami byk kli dh pre-reunion ne..wawawaa...sia2 pun ja kamu dsana atu..act dat nyt kami kn on9 with u guys plg thru skype gnya kamu nda on9 aa..f ada pun u guys away..maybe kamu2 ada kelas..but sukay meh..later g eh..ehehe..so here those pics meh..enjoy..

~Qam, Ir, Khairi, bobby, chung and meh~

~stop doing dat chung..walaupun kan smyle meh..mcm nda dpt besa ja..capiee kamu aa..ehehe..bobby aka azian and chung aka cherry~

lots of luff,


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